22 Street Lane Nursery - September 2022 Newsletter

Newsletter September

Play • Discovery • Growth

September Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to our September newsletter, and as always, a very warm welcome to all the new families who have joined us recently. Each month, we send a newsletter to all our families to share news and events that have taken place or will take place throughout the nursery. We hope that you will find our newsletter useful and informative. August has been a very busy month for everyone at 22 Street Lane, with so many settles taking place to prepare the children for the move to their new rooms. The children are all ready for their transitions and we hope they all settle quickly and easily into their new environments. We are looking forward to a busy September as we welcome lots of new little Chicklets, Ducklings and Goslings joining the nursery. To find out more, please read on...

September Newsletter STAFF NEWS

Welcome back Bec! We will be welcoming our Deputy Manager Bec Boxall back from maternity leave on Wednesday 7th September! Bec has been at the nursery since 2016 and we are really looking forward to her returning. Bec will job share with Shoshanna Hall and will be working in the office on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Welcome to Emily - Head of Preschool (Swans) We would like to give a warm welcome to Emily who has recently joined our Swans Room as Head of Preschool. Emily will be working alongside Charlotte until she leaves for Maternity leave. “I have been keen to work with chi ldren since I was very young as my mother was a chi ldminder. Due to this from a young age, I was learning how chi ldren learn, play and grow into their own personal ities. Straight from secondary school, I gained my Level 3 qual ification in 'Chi ldren’s Care, Learning and Development in Chi ld Development' . I enjoyed working in a lovely nursery for a year before then going to university to study 'Primary Education - Early Years' and gaining my BA (Hons). From gaining my qual ifications I have spent the last 6 years at a primary school. In my first three years, I taught as a Year 1 teacher but knew that Early Years was my passion and have spent the last three years as a Reception teacher. I am now very excited to join the 22 Street Lane Team in Swans room to be a part of your chi ld's learning journey”.

Congratulations to Izzy! We would like to say a big congratulations to Izzy, who is now a Qualified Practitioner! Izzy has been working hard over the last 18 months to gain her Level 3 whilst working full time. Well done, Izzy!

Welcome to Tom - Deputy Room Leader (Swans) We would like to introduce Tom Hayes to the Swans team who joined the Swans Team as Deputy Room Leader on Monday 19th July. “I am a qual ified primary school teacher who has spent the last couple of years working at a local Montessori nursery. Whi lst there, I served as a room leader of one of the age groups. I have a keen passion for helping chi ldren to develop and my first priority is to always help them succeed. I am real ly looking forward to this new opportunity in the Swans Room and I can’t wait to meet you al l!” September Newsletter STAFF NEWS

Welcome to Hermime - Apprentice Practitioner (Goslings) We would like to welcome Hermime, who has recently joined our Goslings Team as an Apprentice practitioner, Hermime has already begun to get to know our little Goslings and is looking forward to meeting you all. “I’m so excited to be joining the Gosl ings Room as an Apprentice Practitioner. I’ve always loved looking after chi ldren and I’m so happy for this opportunity. I am an outgoing person who loves to be around people. I enjoy going on walks with my boyfriend and his dogs, spending time with my sibl ings in my free time and going out on long walks, enjoying nature."

Goodbye to Emma and Charlotte - Maternity Leave Emma will be leaving us on Friday 2nd September and Charlotte will be leaving us on Friday 23rd September to start their Maternity Leave. We can’t wait to hear their news and we wish them all the best in their new roles as mummies!

September Newsletter NEWS

Country of the Month: September 2022 - Israel In support of the Jewish New Year, we will be celebrating Israel as our Country of the Month! The children will have the opportunity to take part in lots of activities such as Israeli dancing, listening to Israeli music and creating their own instruments, as well as tasting different foods such as chicken soup, challah bread, falafel, Israeli salad and tabouleh! We will also be learning some Rosh Hashanah songs, as well as tasting apples with honey and honey cake! The Swans will also be exploring Jewish books covering the New Year and will have a go at writing in Hebrew!

Yorkshire Day Celebrations We kicked off August with ‘Yorkshire Day’ celebrations! The children created their own Yorkshire flags and explored yellow, blue and white coloured messy play sessions! The children also enjoyed Yorkshire puddings for snack followed by a cuppa!

Carnival Week Fun! The children had so much fun celebrating Carnival Week! They listened to carnival music and took part in carnival dancing and carnival-inspired messy play activities. Chris also cooked up a storm on the BBQ with some jerk chicken, rice and peas, yum!

September Newsletter Macmillan Bake Sale: Thursday 29 th September On Thursday 29th September, we will be holding a bake sale in support of Macmillan Cancer Support! We are kindly asking parents to donate to the sale, whether you bake at home or purchase from the shop. All cakes and baked goods will be appreciated, with all money raised being donated to Macmillan. We will be accepting donations on Wednesday 28th and the morning of the 29th, we kindly ask that you label your bakes with a full list of ingredients so list allergen information for each item. We thank you for your support.

September Newsletter Rosh Hashanah: Monday 26 th September

Rosh Hashanah is the 'Jewish New Year' and the celebration of Creation. It begins on the evening on Sunday 25th September and ends on the 27th of September. During the week of 26th September, we will be celebrating the Jewish New Year ‘Rosh Hashanah’. We follow traditions such as dipping apples in honey and trying new fruits. The children will also have the opportunity to taste and make their own Challah bread as well as learn the song "dip the apples in the honey" too!

September Newsletter

Dish of the Month

Coconut Fish Curry

• 1 tbsp vegetable oil • 1 onion, finely chopped • Thumb-sized piece of ginger, finely grated • 3 garlic cloves, crushed • 1 small red chilli, shredded • 2 lemongrass stalks • 1 heaped tbsp medium curry powder • 1 heaped tbsp light muscovado sugar • Small bunch of coriander, stems finely chopped • 400g can coconut milk • 450g skinless cod fillets, cut into small pieces • 220g pack frozen raw whole prawns • 1 lime, halved • Cooked rice, to serve See our past selections on: 22streetlanenursery.co.uk/dish-of-the-month/ Ingredients


1. Heat the oil in a wide, lidded frying pan, then soften the onion for 5 minutes. 2. Increase the heat a little, stir in the ginger, garlic, chilli and lemongrass, and cook for 2 minutes. 3. Add the curry powder and sugar, and keep stirring. When the sugar starts to melt and everything starts to clump together, add the coriander stems, coconut milk and 2 tbsp water, then bring to a simmer. 4. Add the fish to the sauce, place the prawns in here and there, and then squeeze over half the lime. pop on the lid and simmer for 5 more minutes, or until the cod is just cooked and flaking, and the prawns are pink through. 5. Taste for seasoning, adding a squeeze more lime to the sauce if you like. Scatter over the coriander leaves and serve with rice.

September Newsletter Chicklets Room News

The Chicklets Room has been super busy throughout August! We kicked off our festivities with Yorkshire Day, where the children enjoyed exploring the colours of the Yorkshire Rose and mixing up yummy cups of tea in the water tray! The Chicklets dressed up in blue too! Books have been a big interest in the Chicklets Room this month. They have all enjoyed settling down to listen to stories, as well as choosing their own books to enjoy too! Some Chicklets have even been heard babbling along to narrate the pictures. Well done everyone! We finished off our August celebrations with Carnival Week! With this, they explored lots of bright-coloured messy play activities like shredded paper, shaving foam, chalk, feathers and tissue paper. Again, they put on their brightest clothing to join in our very own Chicklets Carnival, and they looked great! We look forward to welcoming the new children and parents to the Chicklets throughout September. We can’t wait to learn all about your interests and help you grow and develop.


September Newsletter

Ducklings Room News

The Ducklings started the month by celebrating Yorkshire Day, engaging in imaginative play, as they used their mathematical skills of pouring and emptying to serve their friends a cup of tea. The children have been showing a strong interest in pouring activities, using jugs and cups to steadily pour and improve their hand eye coordination, focus, and fine motor skills. The Ducklings have enjoyed role-playing in the kitchen, exploring loose parts in aid of improving their imaginary culinary skills. The Ducklings have definitely made the most out of exploring the outdoors. We spent lots of time in the Big Garden with lots of water play to keep cool. They have also enjoyed trips out to Roundhay Park to enjoy the water and flower features of the beautiful speciality garden. A keen interest of the Ducklings this month has been looking after and cleaning our new baby teeth. They have done great a job cleaning their teeth as we continue to promote oral hygiene. We finished the month off with Carnival Week celebrations by making colourful carnival crowns and carnival party paint printing, and then wearing them for our weekly disco. The Ducklings have been enjoying meeting their new Key Person and exploring the resources in the Cygnets Room. We have been talking to the Ducklings about their new room and what will happen, emphasizing how much they will enjoy their new room. We know they are going to love it and are so ready for the next step in their learning journeys.


September Newsletter Goslings Room News

We started August off by enjoying lots of sunshine and the sprinklers in the Big Garden. We also have been enjoying walks to the Tropical World garden and watching out for what animals we can find, the Goslings have really enjoyed watching nature this month. We also enjoyed a trip to Oakwood Library, especially the bus trip! Every month we enjoyed collecting new books and taking part in a story time session before lunch and tea. This has really encouraged their interest in books as they have the opportunity to pick out their very own in the library. The Goslings have also been very busy doing some junk modelling; using a large cardboard box, the Goslings painted it red using paint brushes and of course their hands! At the very end, we cut out lots of squares and turned them into our very own bus! This is something the Goslings very much enjoyed, as they love using the bus as a form of transport. During Carnival Week, the Goslings enjoyed making their own masks using paper plates, feathers, tissue paper and paint! We even enjoyed using food colouring on sand to represent the festive carnival theme. Lastly, the Goslings have been very excited to start their settle sessions in the Cygnets Room, as they move on the September 5th. They have all shown such great enthusiasm after every settle and are more than ready to take that next step! The Goslings will be very much missed in our room and are looking forward to waving over the balcony when we see them in the Big Garden.


September Newsletter Cygnets Room News

At the beginning of the month we celebrated Yorkshire Day and the children loved taking part in lots of exciting activities relating to Yorkshire. Some children enjoyed creating the Yorkshire Rose using resources of their choice in the Creative Area. Other children loved playing in the water tuff tray, where they enjoyed pretending to make cups of tea using the water and tea bags. Finally, some of the children used their imagination to make pretend cakes and sandwiches out of playdough and sat down for a tea party. We have had so much fun celebrating Carnival Week this month. The Cygnets made bright crowns and eye masks out of brightly coloured feathers, pompoms, pipe cleaner and card. To make the most out of the beautiful weather, we had another day filled with exciting water activities. The children loved sliding down the slip-and-slide and having a water fight with their friends. Finally, this month we have been preparing the Cygnets children for their transition to the Swans Room. They have been going for short visits to get to know all the practitioners, as well as the room itself. We have loved looking after all the Cygnet children this year and we're going to deeply miss everyone, but we wish the children the best of luck in their new adventure.


Swans Room News September Newsletter

The Swans have been very busy throughout August and have enjoyed learning about lots of exciting things. The Swans have had lots of fun taking part in exciting activities and have focused on dinosaurs! The children have had so much fun making dinosaur pictures, creating their own giant dinosaur footprints, drawing and tracing dinosaur shadows and exploring themed tuff trays. Lots of the swans have done the dinosaur trail with their families in Leeds city centre. The children have enjoyed sharing their pictures with their friends at carpet time We have had lots of beautiful sunny days this month and so the Swans have enjoyed lots of fun water play. We have had the water slide out for the children to explore, as well as water tuff trays. Lots of the children have taken their summer holidays and have enjoyed telling us all about them at carpet time. As always, the children have also continued taking part in lots of other fun and exciting activities, with a particular emphasis this month on phonics (in particular rhyme) and maths, as the Swans have been showing lots of interest in these areas. The children have been practising writing CVC words, beginning to blend simple words when reading books, beginning to add and subtract using a variety of items and natural resources, and we have completed lots of cooking and baking tasks, encouraging the children to weigh out their own ingredients using the weighing scales. Lots of the Swans children have taken their next adventure to big school this month. We will miss all of the children a lot, but we know they will have so much fun!


September Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Monday 26 th September Rosh Hashanah Celebrations Thursday 29 th September Macmillan Bake Sale W/C Monday 24 th October Diwali Celebrations Tuesday 25 h October Team Training Day, Nursery CLOSED Monday 31 st October

Halloween Fancy Dress Day W/C Monday 31 st October Halloween Messy Play - Stay and Play Sessions

September Newsletter

*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read

Car Park As you are aware, there are double yellow lines outside the nursery which have been put there for the safety of the children. Please can we ask that parents do not park on them, and also be mindful when parking on Park Lane that you do not park over the driveways of the residents there. Many of them are Key Workers who need immediate access from their homes when called out. There have been a few vehicles obstructing their driveways recently. HMRC Additional Funding Code (3- & 4-year-olds - 30 hours) If you are eligible and in receipt of additional 3- & 4-year-old funding, look out for a prompt every three months from HMRC to reconfirm your details so that your eligibility can be re-assessed. If you do not do this, please note that we are unable to claim the funding on your behalf. Absence Please note that we are unable to swap days or offer an alternative day if your child is absent from nursery. We are now extremely busy, and it is impossible for us to do this for all children. This is stated in our terms and conditions. Thank you for your co operation. Labels in Clothing To avoid items being lost, please can you ensure that your child’s uniform is clearly labelled including their coats, hats, scarves and wellies. If your child brings gloves to nursery, we strongly advise for these to be attached and threaded through their coat to avoid any gloves going missing. Drop Off and Collection Can we kindly remind you that we open at 7.30 am and close at 6.00 pm and any parents who pick up after this time will be charged.

CONTACT US 0333 043 22 22

www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk info@22streetlanenursery.co.uk

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