22 Street Lane Nursery - September 2022 Newsletter
September Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
The Ducklings started the month by celebrating Yorkshire Day, engaging in imaginative play, as they used their mathematical skills of pouring and emptying to serve their friends a cup of tea. The children have been showing a strong interest in pouring activities, using jugs and cups to steadily pour and improve their hand eye coordination, focus, and fine motor skills. The Ducklings have enjoyed role-playing in the kitchen, exploring loose parts in aid of improving their imaginary culinary skills. The Ducklings have definitely made the most out of exploring the outdoors. We spent lots of time in the Big Garden with lots of water play to keep cool. They have also enjoyed trips out to Roundhay Park to enjoy the water and flower features of the beautiful speciality garden. A keen interest of the Ducklings this month has been looking after and cleaning our new baby teeth. They have done great a job cleaning their teeth as we continue to promote oral hygiene. We finished the month off with Carnival Week celebrations by making colourful carnival crowns and carnival party paint printing, and then wearing them for our weekly disco. The Ducklings have been enjoying meeting their new Key Person and exploring the resources in the Cygnets Room. We have been talking to the Ducklings about their new room and what will happen, emphasizing how much they will enjoy their new room. We know they are going to love it and are so ready for the next step in their learning journeys.
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