22 Street Lane Nursery - September 2022 Newsletter
September Newsletter Cygnets Room News
At the beginning of the month we celebrated Yorkshire Day and the children loved taking part in lots of exciting activities relating to Yorkshire. Some children enjoyed creating the Yorkshire Rose using resources of their choice in the Creative Area. Other children loved playing in the water tuff tray, where they enjoyed pretending to make cups of tea using the water and tea bags. Finally, some of the children used their imagination to make pretend cakes and sandwiches out of playdough and sat down for a tea party. We have had so much fun celebrating Carnival Week this month. The Cygnets made bright crowns and eye masks out of brightly coloured feathers, pompoms, pipe cleaner and card. To make the most out of the beautiful weather, we had another day filled with exciting water activities. The children loved sliding down the slip-and-slide and having a water fight with their friends. Finally, this month we have been preparing the Cygnets children for their transition to the Swans Room. They have been going for short visits to get to know all the practitioners, as well as the room itself. We have loved looking after all the Cygnet children this year and we're going to deeply miss everyone, but we wish the children the best of luck in their new adventure.
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