22 Street Lane Nursery - September 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to Tom - Deputy Room Leader (Swans) We would like to introduce Tom Hayes to the Swans team who joined the Swans Team as Deputy Room Leader on Monday 19th July. “I am a qual ified primary school teacher who has spent the last couple of years working at a local Montessori nursery. Whi lst there, I served as a room leader of one of the age groups. I have a keen passion for helping chi ldren to develop and my first priority is to always help them succeed. I am real ly looking forward to this new opportunity in the Swans Room and I can’t wait to meet you al l!” September Newsletter STAFF NEWS

Welcome to Hermime - Apprentice Practitioner (Goslings) We would like to welcome Hermime, who has recently joined our Goslings Team as an Apprentice practitioner, Hermime has already begun to get to know our little Goslings and is looking forward to meeting you all. “I’m so excited to be joining the Gosl ings Room as an Apprentice Practitioner. I’ve always loved looking after chi ldren and I’m so happy for this opportunity. I am an outgoing person who loves to be around people. I enjoy going on walks with my boyfriend and his dogs, spending time with my sibl ings in my free time and going out on long walks, enjoying nature."

Goodbye to Emma and Charlotte - Maternity Leave Emma will be leaving us on Friday 2nd September and Charlotte will be leaving us on Friday 23rd September to start their Maternity Leave. We can’t wait to hear their news and we wish them all the best in their new roles as mummies!

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