22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2017 Newsletter
November Newsletter
Harvest Festival;
The children had lots of fun celebrating harvest and the importance of sharing and giving to others. We would like to thank you for all your generosity in food donations, we collected over 200 items which we were delighted to pass on and to our local foodbank. Once again we thank all parents you for your continued support.
This month we have focused on Harvest and Autumn. We transformed our role play area in to a fruit and vegetable shop where the children were encouraged to take on the role of ‘Shopkeepers’. We explored autumnal tuff trays which were filled with autumn treasures which we had collected and made autumn mobiles. We made autumnal pictures using vegetables to print with and we made out very own vegetable soup. We cut up our own vegetables and put them in the blender, we then added some spices for extra flavour and enjoyed our soup for tea – yummy!!
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