22 Street Lane Nursery - May 2018 Newsletter
STAFF NEWS; May Newsletter
Meet our new Head Chef; Christopher Milner As a chef, there’s nothing more satisfying that seeing people enjoy a dish you’ve prepared. I’ve spent over a decade in the food industry and I’m incredibly passionate about producing high quality meals, most recently as head chef at a busy West Yorkshire bistro. Before that I was catering manager at the City of Wakefield Golf Club. My focus is always on using the freshest, locally sourced ingredients to create wide-ranging dishes of the highest standard. As both a chef, and a father-of-four, I understand just how important it is for youngsters to enjoy a healthy, balanced diet. I look forward to creating meals that are both nutritious and delicious for the children at 22 Street Lane Nursery.
STAFF PROMOTION; Ducklings Deputy Room Leader We are delighted to announce that Charlotte Johnson has been promoted to ‘Deputy Room Leader’ in our Ducklings room. Since joining 22 Street lane Nursery, Charlotte has worked so hard in the Ducklings room and she has developed such strong relationships with the staff, parents and children. I am sure that you will all agree that Charlotte will be fabulous in a leadership role and she is looking forward to embracing her new role. We wish you the best of luck Charlotte!
Goodbye to David Salter We would like to inform you all that David will be leaving 22 Street Lane Nursery at the end on Wednesday 23 rd May due to travel constraints, travelling from York every day has come with its challenges. The children have enjoyed hundreds of delicious meals which have been cooked by David over the past year and we all wish him well in his next journey.
Royal Wedding Week We will be holding our very own ‘Royal Wedding Week’ week commencing 14th May here at 22SLN. The children will be learning about our Royal Family, Kings, Queens, princes and princesses. We will be looking at where Royals live such as different castles and palaces. On Friday the 18th May we will be celebrating with a ‘Royal Party’, we will be making invitations, crowns and celebrating with a ‘Royal Afternoon tea’. All children who attend on the Friday are welcome to wear their party clothes to celebrate.
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