22 Street Lane Nursery - May 2018 Newsletter
NEWS; May Newsletter
Safeguarding Training Day Staff training and development is something that we value the importance of here at 22 Street Lane Nursery. We pride ourselves in holding regular staff training days and refresher sessions so that our staff are up to date with key current themes and trends and understand the importance of safeguarding children within our care. We are pleased to say; all staff attended our annual in house safeguarding training day which was held on Saturday 7th April, the course ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ covered;
• Analysis of case studies and serious case reviews • The importance of Early Help
• The signs and symptoms of abuse • What to do if we have a concern about a child
(We will be closed on the following dates for staff training: Thursday 28th June & Wednesday 24th October)
Individual Photographs On Tuesday 15th May, Charles from Arts Photography will be coming in to take individual photographs of the children. If your child does not attend on the Tuesday and you would like your child to have their photograph taken you will be able to bring them in the morning.
Please see Kate at reception so that we can allocate you a 5-minute time slot. Please note, we will be extremely busy so can you please ensure that you arrive in time as you may miss your slot. Thank you.
Fundraising for a new playground at Roundhay Park Laura Webb, Monty and Esther’s mummy is a part of a volunteer group who are also members of ‘friends of Roundhay Park’ charity who are trying to raise £100,000 for a new playground to be set up by the lake in Roundhay Park. If any parents would like to support the charity and would like to buy a personalised badge for their child/children to be part of installation at the new playground they can donate at: https://mydonate.bt.com/events/kidsbadges/460384 For further information you can visit: http://forp.org/roundhay- playground-appeal/ Thank you for your support
Bank Holiday Closures in May Please note that the nursery will be fully closed on Monday 7th May for the May Day Bank Holiday, and on Monday 28th May for the Spring Bank Holiday. Please see out Upcoming Events calendar on Page 16 for more information on nursery closures and events in the next two months.
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