22 Street Lane Nursery - February 2018 Newsletter
February Newsletter
The Chicklets have had a very busy January! They have enjoyed exploring the winter wonderland messy play which consisted of cloud dough and rice. They have also been fascinated with the bubbles and enjoyed watching them float and popping them. The babies have enjoyed listening to various nursery rhymes including Down in the Jungle and Old Macdonald had a Farm. They have been shaking their instruments to the nursery rhymes and copying the actions. The Chicklets have also enjoyed accessing the various heuristic baskets. They have liked banging the metal pans together and feeling the texture of the different natural materials such as pine cones. Some of our Chicklets also enjoyed going on a winter walk to Roundhay Park to see the swans! We will be doing these more over the course of the next few weeks.
A big welcome to our new Chicklets Alexander, Imogen and Zachary!
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