22 Street Lane Nursery - February 2018 Newsletter
February Newsletter
The Ducklings have enjoyed exploring a variety of malleable materials throughout January such as squashing and squishing winter coloured play dough which made for lots of sticky hands!
By engaging with malleable materials, the children have had the opportunity to build up their fine motor skills. Another fun activity was blue water play! The children had fun splashing in the bubbles and looking at the water themed animals and making their sounds! This large scale sensory activity enables the children to use their whole bodies to explore a new sensation, this promotes their gross motor skills as well as stimulating curiosity and becoming a social activity! Amongst all the activities we have noticed that the climbing frame and tipi areas are still the most popular with the ducklings as they continue to develop their social interactions, physical Development and personal interests in these areas. A warm welcome to Elissia who has joined our Ducklings.
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