22 Street Lane Nursery - August 2019 Newsletter

August Newsletter

Goslings Room News

Throughout July the Goslings have been putting their cooking skills to the test. They have done this in the role play area, the mud kitchen, through messy play and by helping in some real cooking activities. The children have helped to make a variety of different foods including: Healthy smoothie ice lollies, banana bread with cream cheese frosting and Spanish tomato bread to celebrate our Country of the month ‘Spain’. The older children helped to chop up the tomatoes and add them to the mixing bowl. Next, the children explored the basil and garlic using their sense of smell and taste. We were very surprised to find that the children thought the garlic smelled and tasted “yummy”. Once the rest of the ingredients had been added to the bowl each child took it in turns to mix and mash them all together. The Goslings continued to celebrate Spain my cooking up play dough churros with a cinnamon dip in the messy play area. The Goslings were able to roll these out and mould them into the shape they wanted using different tools. The cooking messy play didn’t stop as the sensory tray has also turned into a large pan so that the Goslings could pretend to cook paella. Added to the sensory tray was different coloured rice, seafood, shells and mixing spoons.


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