22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2024 Newsletter
December Newsletter
Chicklets Room News
This month we have had a very exciting November so far in Chicklets Room. We have enjoyed celebrating Remembrance Day with lots of messy play tuff trays, such as gloop, shaving foam, paint and rice. The Chicklets have enjoyed exploring the different textures through smell and touch and have also created their very own poppies which are displayed beautifully in our room. We have also celebrated World Nursery Rhyme Week. We created various tuff trays such as ‘I’m a Little Teapot’, ‘Old MacDonald’, ‘Incy Wincy Spider’, ‘The Wheels on the Bus and ‘5 Little Ducks’. To support this, we also sang lots of nursery rhymes and read simple stories. We enjoyed exploring various messy play trays as well as coloured and scented water play and playdough. To celebrate ‘National Kindness Day’ the Chicklets handed out roses to our staff around the nursery to show their appreciation. We also had a little tea party with our friends. As December approaches we are already planning lots of Christmas crafts and activities and we are super excited to meet real reindeer at nursery on 17th December!
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