22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2024 Newsletter
December Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
In the Ducklings Room, we have had such a fun and busy November. We started off the month by celebrating Diwali, our Ducklings used their fine motor skills to grasp the different coloured grains of rice in our Diwali-themed tuff tray. We decorated our table for the ducklings to learn about the different colours and also incorporated powder paint to explore further. November 13th was World Kindness Day. Our lovely Ducklings thought it would be nice to spread kindness throughout the community by handing out homemade biscuits with a positive message attached. The Ducklings handed them out to the postmen and workers in the charity shops, and they even left some around the street lane for people to pick up along their way. Monday 11th November was World Nursery Rhyme Week, and it was a huge success in the Ducklings Room. We had a ‘Wind The Bobbin Up’ themed tray for the Ducklings to sing as they made their own bobbins and they all did so well when taking turns and sharing the pieces of string. The children also explored an ‘Old MacDonald’ tray filled with all kinds of farm animals, they loved to use the animals to stomp around in the ‘mud’ and made lots of animal noises. This month our ducklings have turned into mini chefs. The Ducklings went to our local shop to get some ingredients to make some healthy pitta pizzas in the room. Everyone did an excellent job at waiting their turn to sprinkle on the ingredients. We used peppers, sweetcorn and cheese. We then had the pitta pizzas for tea that night and they were so yummy!
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