22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2024 Newsletter

December Newsletter

Goslings Room News

We have had a fantastic month this November! We started off the month by continuing our interest in pumpkins and spooky spiders, we hunted for spiders using magnifying glasses and played a fun ‘ghost hunt’ game in the garden. The Goslings children have had a huge interest in books over the past few weeks, we read with the children every day and have started to introduce short stories to our mini-group times. We have been using books to support our activities and to guide emotions through some transitions at home that the children are experiencing. We also celebrated World Nursery Rhyme Week where we had lots of fun singing and dancing, we had visits from Mel and Noodle who sang lots of songs with us and helped us practice our Makaton skills, we also celebrated with Kimberly who came to lead our shake rattle and boogie sessions and helped us sing our favourite nursery rhymes. We also celebrated Thanksgiving, as our country of the month is America, we used foam pieces that represented different foods and stuck them onto our paper plates to create our own Thanksgiving dinner. We are excited to welcome the month of December as we start to look at Christmas! We have already started to read some Christmas books as our children have been on days out with their families to visit Santa’s Grotto. We also have lots of birthdays throughout the month of December so we are super excited to be having lots of birthday discos and looking at the number 2.


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