22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2024 Newsletter
December Newsletter NEWS
World Kindness Day For World Kindness Day, the children enjoyed lots of outings into the local community, showing many acts of kindness, including: visiting the Postmen and giving them little gifts, visits to our local shops and cafés and baking some biscuits and giving them to our neighbours! Some of the children also enjoyed handing out flowers to the staff around the Nursery to brighten their day and make them smile!
World Nursery Rhyme Week For World Nursery Rhyme Week, the children participated in lots of rhyme-inspired activities and music classes, with special sessions from Shake, Rattle and Boogie, Number Train and Noodle the Dog! Everyone also enjoyed exploring a range of themed tuff trays including: ‘I’m A Little Teapot’, ‘Wind The Bobbin Up’, ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ etc... We also spent some time focusing on singing our core nursery rhymes for each room, using our piano as well!
Children in Need The challenge this year for Children in Need was ‘To Make Life Lighter’ and go the extra mile to raise money in order to support more children and organisations that need the help. The children were invited to wear bright colours as part of the fundraiser too. Thank you to everyone who donated to Children in Need, we raised a total of £76.50!
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