22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2024 Newsletter

December Newsletter NEWS A Special Visit From Santa’s Reindeer On Tuesday 17th December, we have some very special visitors coming to 22 Street Lane, Santa’s Reindeer! If your child does not attend on this day and you would like to come along to see the reindeer, we have the following time slots available: Chicklets/Ducklings: 10.30-11.00am

Goslings: 10:00-10.30am Cygnets: 11.00-11.30am Swans: 11.30-12:00pm

Please Note: The reindeer will be in the car park, so the car park will be closed for the morning for the safety of the children. If you do come along, please find on-street parking and enter the Nursery through the single pedestrian gate.

Christmas Party Week: Monday 16th - Friday 20th December On the week commencing 16th December, we will be holding our annual 22SLN Christmas parties! The children are welcome to come to nursery in their party clothes throughout the week, and will be taking part in lots of exciting, themed activities!

Christmas Nursery Closure The nursery will close for Christmas on Tuesday 24th December at 12pm. We will be welcoming all our families back to the nursery on Thursday 2nd January 2024.

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