22 Street Lane Nursery - January 2022 Newsletter
Newsletter January
Play • Discovery • Growth
January Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers, We hope you have all had the most magical Christmas and we would like to wish you a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. On behalf of all the staff, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the lovely cards, gifts and kind words that we received before the Christmas holidays, we were all very touched by the generosity of our children and families. We would also like to thank you, our 22 Street Lane family, for your continued support and understanding, during what has been an unpredictable and challenging year for everyone. We have had to implement so many changes to our policies and practices on short notice, which has been difficult in so many ways. You have all played a part in helping us to provide the best possible, continued care. We would love to see what the children got up to over the festive period and I am sure they’d enjoy sharing photos of their Christmas adventures when they return to the nursery. Please could we ask you to upload these to Tapestry, along with their current interests so we can follow these in the New Year? As always, we extend a very warm welcome to our new families joining us throughout January.
January Newsletter STAFF NEWS
Good Luck To Laura On Her Maternity Leave! On Friday 21st January, we say goodbye to our Goslings Room Leader, Laura Grinlaw, as she starts her maternity leave. Laura will be greatly missed by us all and we wish her all the best in her journey to motherhood. We can’t wait to hear your news Laura! And Congratulations Madina! We are delighted to announce that Madina Khalifa, our current Deputy Room Leader in our Goslings Room, will be stepping up to Room Leader in Laura’s absence. Madina is very excited to start her new role and we have no doubt that she will be fantastic!
Goodbye Shelley Sadly, we will be saying goodbye to Shelley Brash from our Cygnets Room, who is moving back home. Shelley has been a great asset to our nursery, and we wish her the best of luck for the future. Her last day will be Thursday 13th January.
January Newsletter NEWS Updated COVID-19 Restrictions: • Could we kindly remind parents that they need to wear a mask when entering the setting. • Please can we ask that only one parent or carer drops off/ picks up their child to minimise overcrowding in the nursery. • If your child has a high temperature, continuous new cough, or loss of taste/smell, you will need to keep them off nursery and have a PCR test. • Any child with the above symptoms, will be sent home immediately to have a PCR test.
Around The World In 30 Days Throughout December, we explored Christmas around the world and what this looks like. The children learned that in Iceland, children put their shoes on the windowsill so the ‘Yuletide Lads’, their version of Santa Claus, fills the shoes with little goodies. In Australia, it is very warm and sunny at Christmas time and many families celebrate Christmas day on the beach! Throughout January, we will be exploring animals around the world and their habitats, if you have any pictures of animals around the world that you would like to share with us, we would be more than grateful.
December Newsletter The Curiosity Approach at 22 Street Lane
In this technological age, our society contains a multitude of distractions: iPads, computers, television and electronic toys. Together these can create an overabundance of sensory stimulation and a busy, hectic life that fills a child’s brain, overstimulated with that constant noise and endless activity. Do you wonder what the future of our littlest people looks like? We need to enhance their communication and literacy skills and develop their imagination in play through creating an environment of awe and wonder. The Curiosity Approach values time and space, and looks to empower children. Helping them to become the thinkers and doers of the future. Through uncluttered and beautiful environments, it is our aim to create a calm and tranquil environment in which children can be curious to investigate, discover and learn. To allow children time and space to tinker, explore and work at their own pace. Through a child-centred approach, we encourage the power of concentration in young children. We are passionate educators who are looking to empower our children for a successful and happy future through play, exploration and discovery. Setting them up with the skills for life!
Teaching our children through heart and soul is what we must aspire to do. Look closely at their faces, how incredible to witness such pure joy. There’s truly no better reward! “If you don’t love what you do, you won’t do it with much conviction or passion.” ~ Mia Hamm
Continuing our sharing of the A-Z of the Curiosity Approach, we are showcasing U & V this month:
Unusually Unique - “Each child is unique and the protagonist of his or her growth. Children desire to acquire knowledge, have much capacity for curiosity and amazement and yearn to create relationships with others and communicate” - Loris Malaguzzi
Valuing Children - “Believing that every child is a miracle can transform the way we design for children’s care. When we invite a miracle into our lives, we prepare ourselves and the environment around us. We may set out flowers or special offerings. We make it our job to create, with reverence and gratitude, a space that’s worthy of a miracle!”- Anita Rui Olds
January Newsletter Wrapping Up Warm for Christmas Jumper Day!
The children really enjoyed dressing up in their festive jumpers and sparkly outfits - we think the smiles say it all. The children took part in many festive activities too! Some decorated their own Christmas trees using baubles, ribbon, and natural objects, while others created their own decorations out of playdough. The Swans also wrote their own letters to Santa and enjoyed posting them through our special post box that goes directly to Santa!
January Newsletter The Swans Took The Stage In Our Christmas Nativity! On Thursday 16th December, the Swans children performed their special Christmas Nativity at St. Andrew's Church. The children had been so excited about the performance and had been learning and practising lots of new songs to tell the story of the Nativity to their parents. We had also been reading the Nativity storybook during these times and the children recognised the different characters and related the pictures to their own parts in the performance. Everyone had a different part to play in the Nativity and learned when it was their turn to stand up and sing their song. The Swans did an incredible job with their dramatic roles, taking the parts seriously and showcasing their fantastic work, adorable smiles, waves and sweet dance moves! We are so very proud of all the hard work that has gone into our Nativity, and for the children showing such enthusiasm, determination and resilience. Well done Swans!
January Newsletter Closing Out The Year With Our Big Christmas Party!
The children have enjoyed a fun-filled festive day at the Nursery. enjoying both a lovely Christmas dinner, as well as having an awesome Christmas Party in the afternoon! For our annual festive lunch, the children were treated to a lovely spread of traditional food, consisting of roasted turkey with all the trimmings, herbed roasted potatoes, honey roasted carrots and parsnips, onion stuffing balls, mini-homemade pigs in blankets, sprouts, garden peas with an added extra Yorkshire pudding, all topped off with a cranberry gravy. We also had great fun pulling the crackers and enjoying the bangs! Everyone enjoyed a slice of gorgeous homemade cheesecake for dessert too. A huge thank you to Chris and Kim for cooking it for us, what a delicious meal we had, and we loved celebrating with our friends at nursery.
January Newsletter A Special Guest Visits 22 Street Lane
What a surprise the children had when Santa came to visit the nursery with his helper! Santa has been busy preparing for the big day, but he managed to squeeze in a special trip to 22 Street Lane to see all the children before setting off on his worldwide tour! We finished the day off with a fantastic Christmas Party in the afternoon. Everyone put on their best festive jumpers and frocks to have a boogie to some of their favourite songs with their friends. We had so much fun and can’t wait to celebrate again next year!
January Newsletter Burns Night Celebrations: Tuesday 25th January
On Tuesday 25th January, we will be celebrating Burns Night, which marks the birthday of the Scottish Poet ‘Robert Burns’. The children will be sampling a traditional Burns Night supper of Cock-A-Leekie soup, Neeps and Tatties, Sherry Trifle and Oatcakes and cheese. We also will be exploring other Scottish traditions and creating our own tartan patterns too with different natural materials.
January Newsletter Chinese New Year Celebrations: Tuesday 1st February 2022 is the ‘Year of the Tiger’. The children will get the opportunity to look at beautiful Chinese lanterns, learning about why ‘little red envelopes’ are given to children and getting to taste some sweet dumplings. Red is the main colour of the festival, so our rooms will feature plenty of red decorations.
January Newsletter
Dish of the Month
Chicken & Wild Mushroom Risotto
See our past selections on: 22streetlanenursery.co.uk/dish-of-the-month/ Ingredients
• 50g dried porcini mushrooms • 1 litre of chicken stock
• 250g pack dessert chestnut mushrooms, sliced • 8 rashers smoked streaky bacon, chopped • 50g butter • 1 onion, finely chopped • 300g risotto rice or arborio • 50g parmesan, finely grated • 500g of cooked chicken (breast or thigh), skinned and chopped • Handful of parsley leaves, chopped
1. Soak the dried mushrooms in 500ml of boiling water for 20 minutes, then drain the liquid into the stock. The mushrooms will have absorbed a lot of the liquid; you should have 1 litre in total. 2. Chop the soaked mushrooms and add them to the chestnut mushrooms. 3. To make the risotto, start by placing half the butter in a frying pan and then cook the bacon in it, then add the chopped onion. When they are soft, add the mushrooms and continue to cook for a few more minutes until soft. 4. Stir through the rice and continue to cook. 5. When you add the final ladle of stock, stir through the chicken to reheat. 6. Add the chopped parsley with the parmesan cheese and remaining butter, then leave everything to rest for a few minutes. After that, stir everything through and serve.
January Newsletter Chicklets Room News
Throughout January, we will be welcoming some new Chicklets into the room who we are very excited to meet. We are looking forward to working with our families to support the children settling into the room and getting to know their interests so that we can support their development in nursery. Please continue to share your child's interest and at home adventures on Tapestry. As the children are rapidly developing their communication and language, we will be focusing on this area of learning within the room. We will be challenging the children through their interests and individual needs, and providing a language rich environment through offering the children new experiences. We have also introduced Makaton into the room, which is a sign language that enhances communication. Throughout January, we will be learning about animals from around the world, such as Arctic creatures and tropical animals. We will be offering different sensory opportunities, such as sand and ice into our messy play too! We’ll also be celebrating Burns Night and the children will have the opportunity to make their own pictures using blue and white paint, and will listen to traditional Scottish music, which commonly feature bagpipes! Home Learning: Can you make your own fake snow? Mix conditioner and cornflour together to get the fluffy snow like consistency. Add natural objects such as pine cones, leaves and sticks for a fun filled activity. We would love to see your photos on Tapestry!
January Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
Throughout December, the children explored various messy play activities based on different Christmas traditions, decorating trees, exploring foam snowmen and enjoying Christmas music. The Ducklings have enjoyed making lots of lovely crafts to take home to their loved ones, we loved the reindeer visit and making mud mince pies for Santa in the mud kitchen. We also celebrated Hanukkah, where the children explored various colours of rice, recreating the 9 candles that are lit each night during the Jewish festival to celebrate the miracle of oil lasting eight days. The Ducklings have loved story times so much this month, we will be bringing in some interactive story baskets full of props and characters from the books to expose our Ducklings to various ways of learning. Through this hands-on approach, the children will develop listening skills, patience, creative thinking and turn taking. The story baskets for January will be the well-loved 'Gruffalo’, 'The Hungry Caterpillar' and 'The 3 Little Pigs’ stories. We would be grateful if you could share your child's favourite story on Tapestry. We will be introducing a new series of Tapestry posts, called “Why We Do”, which are opportunities for us to explain to you why we do some of the activities we do and what skills your child will be learning, following their interests, in the most fun way possible. This monthly post will cover the three 'I's in education; intent, implementation and impact and allow you to see our thought process on the activities we provide.
January Newsletter Goslings Room News
We have had an incredible month throughout December, including celebrating the Christmas festivities with a visit from Santa's reindeers and engaging in so many different festive activities. As we welcome the children back into nursery, we are looking forward to seeing how you have all celebrated and spent your time over the past week. Curiosity is the heart of 22SLN, and we will be continuing to look at how we can enhance the children's experiences in this area. We have recently just made some adjustments to the Goslings Room as we have noticed that many of the children are becoming very curious in the role play area, where they can dress up and act out real life experiences. We will be looking to implement more resources that enhance it’s awe and wonder, so if you have anything at home that would support our enhancements, then please do check Tapestry to see what items we are hoping to collect. January will see our ‘Lending Library’ open up, where children and their parents can lend a book from the Goslings Room, this could be a book that the child is really enjoying or one they have never read at home before. We are also looking to set up home learning bags throughout the month which gives children and their parents the opportunity to take on new challenges at home which will be linked to interests from Nursery. These will all be posted to Tapestry, so please keep a look out! We look forward to welcoming the Goslings back in the New Year, please upload plenty of photos to Tapestry so that we can look at these on our return. We hope you've all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year!
January Newsletter Cygnets Room News
The Cygnets have been very busy throughout December. The children have taken part in lots of wonderful festive activities and crafts, and were very busy making their Christmas crafts, which they were very excited to take them home and show their families. The Cygnets loved the special visit from Santa's reindeers too! Some of the children were even brave enough to feed them, whist other children enjoyed sitting on Santa's sleigh shouting “Ho Ho Ho”! As we welcome the Cygnets back their holidays, we will be focusing on their interests and what they have been enjoying while they've been off, so please share these on Tapestry. We will also be continuing with our 'Around The World In 30 Days' topic by focusing on different habitats. We’ll be exploring animals that live in cold conditions such as the Arctic, as well as warmer environments, such as those that live in tropical climates! We will also be introducing ‘Book of the Month' from January. The book will be chosen according to the children's current interests. This month, we’ll be focusing on 'Stick Man’ and the children will be taking part in lots of related activities, such as collecting and then making our own stick men using natural materials! The children will also have the opportunity to take part in our 'Curious Cygnets' sessions which focuses on outdoor learning, which might be in the nursery garden or Roundhay Park. The Cygnet's team would also like to wish all the children and their families a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
January Newsletter
Swans Room News
The Swans have been very busy throughout December and have enjoyed learning about lots of exciting new things. The Swans have had great fun taking part in lots of exciting activities. This month we have focused on Christmas and the Swans have been working really hard learning all of their songs for the Nativity, as well as making lots of beautiful Christmas artwork. Throughout January, we will be exploring our 'Around The World In 30 Days' with a focus on animals. Firstly, we will be looking at Arctic animals and exploring which different animals live in the Arctic, as well as the sea animals' migrations from the cold waters to the warmer waters in the winter. The Swans will have the opportunity to explore the animals in a variety of different ways such as the light table, tablets, books and artwork. We will be implementing 'The Light Monitor’ in January. The Swans have enjoyed learning about the environment and we have looked at different ways in which we can help to make the environment a clean, safe and happy place for everyone. The Swans have recently enjoyed litter picking in the park, as well as recycling within the room. The Swans will be celebrating 'Burns Night' on the 25th of January. We will be learning all about the poet Robert Burns and discuss what our favourite poems and songs are too. We’ll also be making lots of beautiful artwork linked to all different kinds of poems. The Swans have had a fantastic year and have been very busy! We look forward to the New Year!
January Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read
Car Park As you are aware, there are double yellow lines outside the nursery which have been put there for the safety of the children. Please can we ask that parents do not park on them, and also be mindful when parking on Park Lane that you do not park over the driveways of the residents there. Many of them are Key Workers who need immediate access from their homes when called out. There have been a few vehicles obstructing their driveways recently. COVID-19 Guidance Please can we kindly remind parents that children cannot attend nursery if they have a high temperature (37.6 ° C). If a child develops a temperature whilst at nursery, parents will be called to collect them, as supported by our policies and procedures. Due to the guidance from National Health England, children who have a high temperature or a cough will be asked to have a COVID-19 test with a negative result required before returning to the setting. HMRC Additional Funding Code (3- & 4-year-olds - 30 hours) If you are eligible and in receipt of additional 3- & 4-year-old funding, look out for a prompt every three months from HMRC to reconfirm your details so that your eligibility can be re-assessed. If you do not do this, please note that we are unable to claim the funding on your behalf. Absence Please note that we are unable to swap days or offer an alternative day if your child is absent from nursery. We are now extremely busy, and it is impossible for us to do this for all children. This is stated in our terms and conditions. Thank you for your co- operation.
January Newsletter Upcoming Events
Tuesday 4 th January Nursery RE-OPENS for the New Year!
Tuesday 25 th January Burns Night Celebrations
Tuesday 1 st February Chinese New Year Celebrations
Monday 14 th February Valentine’s Day Celebrations
January Newsletter
2022 Events Calendar *Dates subject to change - Please check the website for the latest calendar
Nursery RE-OPENS for the New Year!
Tuesday 1st Tuesday 1st Thursday 3rd Thursday 17th Tuesday 1st Monday 14th Tuesday 4th Tuesday 25th
Burns Night Celebrations
Chinese New Year Celebrations Valentine’s Day Celebrations
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day!)
St David’s Day World Book Day St Patrick’s Day
Friday 18th
Holi Colour Festival
W/C Monday 21st
Mothering Sunday Tea Party
Wednesday 13th Easter Bonnet Parade & Egg Hunt Thursday 14th Vaisakhi Celebrations Friday 15th Good Friday, Nursery CLOSED Monday 18th Easter Monday, Nursery CLOSED Friday 22nd St. George’s Day
May Bank Holiday, Nursery CLOSED
Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd
Eid Al Fitr Celebrations
Spring Bank Holiday, Nursery CLOSED
Thursday 2nd
Friday 3rd Jubilee Bank Holiday, Nursery CLOSED Wednesday 8th Team Training Day, Nursery CLOSED W/C Monday 13 th Father’s Day Picnic Tuesday 21st Ducklings and Cygnets Parents Evening Tuesday 28th
Chicklets, Goslings and Swans Parents Evening
January Newsletter
Friday 8th
Eid Al Adha Celebrations Swans Graduation Ceremony
W/C Monday 18th Beach Party Week
Monday 1 st
Yorkshire Day Carnival Week
Summer Bank Holiday, Nursery CLOSED
Monday 29 th
Monday 26th
Rosh Hashanah Celebrations
Macmillan Bake Sale
W/C Monday 24th Diwali Celebrations Tuesday 25th
Team Training Day, Nursery CLOSED
Monday 31st
Halloween Fancy Dress Day
Friday 4th Friday 11th Monday 14th Monday 21st
Bonfire Night Activities Remembrance Sunday
Chicklets, Goslings and Swans Parents Evening Ducklings and Cygnets Parents Evening
Children In Need Day
Friday 9th
Christmas Jumper Day
Swans Christmas Play/Concert 22SLN Christmas Dinner/Party
Tuesday 21st
Nursery Closing at 12pm for Christmas
Nursery RE-OPENS for the New Year!
CONTACT US 0333 043 22 22
www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk info@22streetlanenursery.co.uk
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