22 Street Lane Nursery - January 2022 Newsletter
January Newsletter Chicklets Room News
Throughout January, we will be welcoming some new Chicklets into the room who we are very excited to meet. We are looking forward to working with our families to support the children settling into the room and getting to know their interests so that we can support their development in nursery. Please continue to share your child's interest and at home adventures on Tapestry. As the children are rapidly developing their communication and language, we will be focusing on this area of learning within the room. We will be challenging the children through their interests and individual needs, and providing a language rich environment through offering the children new experiences. We have also introduced Makaton into the room, which is a sign language that enhances communication. Throughout January, we will be learning about animals from around the world, such as Arctic creatures and tropical animals. We will be offering different sensory opportunities, such as sand and ice into our messy play too! We’ll also be celebrating Burns Night and the children will have the opportunity to make their own pictures using blue and white paint, and will listen to traditional Scottish music, which commonly feature bagpipes! Home Learning: Can you make your own fake snow? Mix conditioner and cornflour together to get the fluffy snow like consistency. Add natural objects such as pine cones, leaves and sticks for a fun filled activity. We would love to see your photos on Tapestry!
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