22 Street Lane Nursery - January 2022 Newsletter
January Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
Throughout December, the children explored various messy play activities based on different Christmas traditions, decorating trees, exploring foam snowmen and enjoying Christmas music. The Ducklings have enjoyed making lots of lovely crafts to take home to their loved ones, we loved the reindeer visit and making mud mince pies for Santa in the mud kitchen. We also celebrated Hanukkah, where the children explored various colours of rice, recreating the 9 candles that are lit each night during the Jewish festival to celebrate the miracle of oil lasting eight days. The Ducklings have loved story times so much this month, we will be bringing in some interactive story baskets full of props and characters from the books to expose our Ducklings to various ways of learning. Through this hands-on approach, the children will develop listening skills, patience, creative thinking and turn taking. The story baskets for January will be the well-loved 'Gruffalo’, 'The Hungry Caterpillar' and 'The 3 Little Pigs’ stories. We would be grateful if you could share your child's favourite story on Tapestry. We will be introducing a new series of Tapestry posts, called “Why We Do”, which are opportunities for us to explain to you why we do some of the activities we do and what skills your child will be learning, following their interests, in the most fun way possible. This monthly post will cover the three 'I's in education; intent, implementation and impact and allow you to see our thought process on the activities we provide.
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