22 Street Lane Nursery - June 2019 Newsletter
June Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to our June newsletter, and as always, a warm welcome to all the new families that have recently joined us. It’s been another busy month in our setting, we had our Peppa Pig Muddy Puddles Walks to Roundhay Park and raised £83.50 for ‘Save the Children’. Our Cygnets children visited Meanwood Farm and our Swans children enjoyed learning all about Jewish traditions and enjoyed a traditional ‘Shabbat dinner’. Arts Photography visited the setting on Wednesday 22nd May and we have some amazing photos of the children. Finally, 22 Street Lane celebrated our Country of the Month ‘Greece’ through messy play and sampling Greek food such as Lamb Koftas, Moussaka, olives and feta! As if all that excitement wasn’t enough, we also won a 2019 Design Effectiveness Award! You can read all about our exciting awards, as well as an update on our other award submissions this month in our newsletter.
June Newsletter
We are in the FINALS for Nursery of the Year North…
22 Street Lane Nursery are delighted to have been nominated as a finalist for ‘Nursery of the Year North’ NDNA award. The final ceremony will be held in Warwickshire on Friday 28 th June, and a number of our staff will be selected to attend the black-tie awards evening by having their name drawn out of a hat. We were up against 211 other entries for the ‘Nursery of the Year’ category.
To be in the final 3 is something that we are very proud of. We’d like to thank all the parents for your continued support and all your votes! We will keep you posted with the outcome in the hope that we secure Nursery of the Year.
Design Effectiveness Award; WINNER!
22 Street Lane Nursery are delighted to announce that we have won a 2019 ‘Design Effectiveness Award’! DBA Awards are internationally recognised for the strength and quality of a business’ branding, which required us to provide a case supporting the design effectiveness of 22 Street Lane. The award is not only about the design, but also about how these designs make a difference. Jointly entered with Elmwood Design Ltd, our entry has been rigorously judged in 3 rounds. We will be presented with either a Bronze, Silver or Gold award, which recognises how the compelling influence of our designs have impacted the success of our Nursery.
We have been invited to the awards ceremony in London on the 12 th of June. We look forward to celebrating and also sharing the outcome and our success with you over the coming weeks. To find out more about the DBA and everything it represents please use the following weblink: https://www.dba.org.uk/ We have our fingers crossed on what would be a significant accolade for 22 Street Lane Nursery
STAFF NEWS June Newsletter
Staff Promotion: Hayley Fryer Congratulations to Hayley Fryer from our Cygnets room, who has been promoted to ‘Deputy Room Leader’. Hayley has been at 22 Street Lane Nursery since October 2016 and joined us an apprentice practitioner after changing her career from sales and marketing. Hayley is an outstanding practitioner and is so passionate and dedicated to her role. Well done Hayley!
Laura Grinlaw: Goslings Room Our Deputy Room Leader Laura Grinlaw will be moving to the Goslings room to support Shamyla, remaining in the role of Deputy Room Leader. Laura has lots of lovely ideas that she would like to bring to the room, and she is very much looking forward to being part of the Goslings team. We will inform parents when Laura will move.
Troy is Qualified! Congratulations to Troy who has passed his apprenticeship and is now a fully qualified chef! Well done Troy. At the same time we wanted to say Troy will be moving on to pastures new in order to further his career.
Summer Support: Megan Bowhill Megan Bowhill will also be spending more time at 22 Street Lane Nursery over the summer and will be supporting all rooms. “Since very early on I have always had a desire to pursue a passion for working with kids; to help encourage, support and challenge their new skills and abilities. I have worked with all ages from 0-10 and hope to carry on this adventure by being a fun part of 22 Street Lane Nursery’s team, working together to provide an exciting environment for the kids to participate in!”.
STAFF NEWS June Newsletter
Summer Support: Molly Lodge We would like to introduce you to Molly Lodge who will be joining us on the 5 th June to work over the summer. Molly has previously been a student with us and a bank member of staff. Molly will be working in of all the rooms to support with staff holidays. “ Hello, my name is Molly and I will be working at 22 Street Lane Nursery this summer. I have recently finished my first year studying at Edinburgh Medical School and I am excited to work with the children and learn more about how to care for others. Having previously enjoyed volunteering at 22 Street Lane Nursery for a year during sixth form, I am looking forward to becoming part of the team once again. I love working with children and I am excited to support them to thrive and grow up. Away from work, I enjoy playing golf and spend time with my friends and family”.
NEWS Country of the Month: SAUDI ARABIA
Depending on the moon, we will be celebrating the end of Ramada ‘Eid al – Fitr’ on either 5 th /6 th June which is an important celebration to many of our children. To tie in with Eid, we have decided to explore ‘Saudi Arabia’ as our country of the month throughout June. If any parents have any resources which might support the children’s learning, we would be most grateful to borrow these. Did you know? Ninety-five percent of the country is classified as a desert or semi-desert. Another fact is Harry Potter books are banned in Saudi Arabia because they talk about sorcery.
Greece Celebrations The children celebrated our country of the month, Greece, by learning the Greek flag through messy play and paint, making Greek food such as carrot and parsley bread balls and sampling Greek food such as Lamb Koftas, Moussaka, olives and feta! The children learned about Greek architecture and learned how to say hello in Greek… Yasou!
June Newsletter
Father’s Day Picnic We will be holding our annual Father’s Day picnic on the following days:
1. Monday 10 th June: Chicklets 3-4pm 2. Tuesday 11 th June: Ducklings 3-4pm 3. Wednesday 12 th June: Goslings 3-4pm 4. Thursday 13 th June: Cygnets 3-4pm 5. Friday 14 th June: Swans 3-4pm
Giant Wiggle: 50 years of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ To celebrate the 50 th anniversary of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, 22 Street Lane Nursery are joining the wiggle-y fun and fundraising for Action for Children through-out the w/c 24 th June, with lots of themed activities: 1. Wed 26 th June: We invite all children to dress in Green, both the Cygnets and Swans will be taking part in a Caterpillar Conga. 2. Friday 28 th June: Birthday Party for The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Parents Evening 1. Monday 17 th June : Ducklings & Cygnets 6:00 - 7.30 PM 2. Monday 24 th June : Chicklets, Goslings & Swans 6:00 - 7.30 PM
Team Training Day Closure 22 Street Lane Nursery will be closed on Friday 21 st June for Team Training Day. We look forward to seeing the children back in the Nursery on the following Monday! This will give parents an opportunity to speak to their child’s key person about their development. Please note, we can only allocate 10 minutes per child. If you would like to book an appointment, please speak to your Key Person.
June Newsletter
Peppa Pigs Muddy Puddle Walk - Save the Children Although not very muddy, the children enjoyed their Peppa Pig Muddy Puddle walk to Roundhay Park to support the charity ‘Save the Children’. The children paired up with a ‘Muddy Buddy’ and walked all the way to and around the lake! We didn’t see any muddy puddles to splash in, but we did enjoy the glorious sunshine. Thank you to all the parents who donated, we raised a total of £83.50 for Save for the Children.
June Newsletter
A trip to Meanwood Farm Springtime offers so many learning opportunities for small children, in particular learning about farm animals and their young. The Cygnets and Swans children had the opportunity to go to Meanwood Farm where they met lots of different animals including fluffy rabbits, guinea pigs, alpacas, goats, chickens and sheep. We sang lots of different nursery rhymes starting with the ‘Wheels on the Bus’ as we made our way to the farm on the big coach. We also sang ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ and ‘Old Macdonald had a Farm’. The children enjoyed petting the rabbits and stroking the sheep and imitating the sheep noises. We saw different coloured sheep and noticed that they had different coloured fur like we do skin, they were white, black and brown, we also saw some baby lambs. We then walked through the allotments and discovered lots of coloured flowers. There were lots of dandelions, we blew them and made wishes. We also found ladybirds and ants, some of the children let the ladybirds crawl on their hands. We had a lovely picnic lunch eating sandwiches and fruit sat at the picnic benches before heading back to nursery.
June Newsletter
Chicklets The Chicklets have been very busy this month. The babies have enjoyed exploring the outdoors in the lovely sunshine, they have enjoyed exploring the messy play outdoors such as making marks in the sand and splashing in the water and bubbles. The babies have also shown an interest in the mud kitchen outdoors where they have been digging and transferring the mud into the containers. The Chicklets took part in the 'Peppa Pig Muddy Puddle' as we went for a trip to Roundhay Park. The babies enjoyed spotting the dogs in the park and we went and said hello to the swans/ducks. On our walk, we collected some flowers to add to messy play. When we returned to nursery, we did some painting with the pigs and enjoyed splashing in the scented water with the flowers. Music has been a strong interest this month with the babies, they are all enjoying taking part in Tiny Dancers and like to show off their dancing moves. The babies have started to tell the Chicklets Staff which songs they would like to listen to when taking part in the group music sessions. We will be starting to introduce baby sensory sessions to the babies in the upcoming weeks this will include activities such as smelling, tasting and mark-making with jelly finger-paints, watch bubbles float and pop, explore sounds and sights of DIY discovery bottles, splash and explore with coloured water, discover light and shadows on a DIY light box, watch the trees and feel the breeze outside and discover the amazing feeling of frozen jelly.
June Newsletter
Ducklings The Ducklings enjoyed their 'Muddy Puddle Walk' to Roundhay Park. The Ducks went in the morning and afternoon in two groups. They went in the pram with their friends, walking through the gardens of Roundhay park and towards the lake. The Ducklings enjoyed looking at the ducks by the lake and feeding them with special food from the lakeside café, we also enjoyed looking at the nature such as the lake, flowers, trees and grass. The Ducklings have especially enjoyed the sunshine and spending time outdoors! We are teaching the children that they need to wear sun cream and a sun hat. They have enjoyed going into the garden and exploring different activities such as riding the bikes, water play and playing in the sand. The children have also enjoyed lots of picnics for their tea! We have enjoyed taking part in different arts and crafts activities including making sun flowers whilst sitting in the garden. They used glue with yellow paint, yellow string, foiled paper and tissue paper. They stuck yellow feathers all around to make petals, and lollipop sticks for the stems. The Ducklings also made foot print 3D flip flops, this included painting the children’s feet and making foot prints on the flip flops! We have been celebrating Greece as our country of the month. The children have been getting involved with blue and white powder paint messy play and we even made our own Greek carrot and parsley bread balls! Each individual child had their turn of mixing the flour and ingredients together 'mix, mix, mix'! They then got to taste the carrot and parsley and we also used our senses to smell the parsley ingredient we were putting in our mixture. All the Ducklings independently got involved with this activity and they all got to take their tasty treat home! The Ducklings have also been very busy exploring mini-beasts in our garden, they found a little caterpillar and we named him 'Clive', we let him live in the Duckling’s room for a day before releasing him back to his family! The Ducklings picked leaves and sticks for his new home and we have been introducing The Very Hungry Caterpillar book and experimenting with fruit.
June Newsletter
Goslings We started off May with a trip to Tropical World, all the children were fascinated by all the different viewing windows and the different types of animals we could see. As we walked by the different areas we talked about the animals and bugs. The Goslings were very excited to see the sea animals such as the big fish and the Stingray. We also enjoyed watching the Meerkats play together and spying the Crocodile which was cleverly hiding. We followed on the Goslings love for the sea animals by setting up different sea life activities in the small world, water trays or as messy play activities and painted different see creatures such as Octopuses and fish. We have made new home learning bags for the Goslings to enjoy learning at home. Each bag mirrors an area of play from the Goslings room and they all provide a variety of learning opportunities. The Three Little Pigs: Develops communication, language and literacy through storytelling. Let’s Get Cooking!: Developing early math skills through measuring and counting Let’s build a city: Encourages children’s fine motor skills and creativity through building. Let’s Make Marks: Encourages early writing skills through mark making. The bags contain a variety of resources alongside a booklet to help make learning at home easy and fun for both parents and children. If you would like to borrow a Home Learning bag, please speak to your child’s Key Person.
June Newsletter
Cygnets The Cygnet's have been mainly focusing on Mini Beasts this month as we cared for our own caterpillars and set them free once they had grown into beautiful butterflies, this was a wonderful opportunity for the children to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. We have furthered this by exploring different types of Mini Beasts through outdoor play and taking part in a range of activities relating to Mini Beasts such a Mini Beast hunts in the garden. We incorporated many areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum such as maths for counting spots on the ladybirds, expressive arts and design when using different craft materials. Understanding of the world as we explored the Mini Beasts and their habitats and using natural materials such as shells and small wooden logs to create snails. As well as minibeasts, the Cygnets have enjoyed the role play area which was a Dentist. We looked at how important it is to keep our teeth clean and role play with the toothbrushes and giant teeth acting out the role Dentist and Patient. To further the children’s interests in animals, we have now transformed our role pay area into a Vets. We have spent a lot of time outdoors with the lovely weather, the Cygnets had fun exploring a sensory tray walk feeling the textures of flour, sand, foam and water on their feet!
June Newsletter
Swans The Swans have been very busy throughout May and have celebrated a number of exciting times. At the start of May the Swans celebrated the Tour De Yorkshire by participating in their very own Tour de 22 Street Lane. Some of the children brought in their own bikes in preparation for the race, and all the children tried their best dodging the obstacles and going as fast as they could! The Swans have also been learning all about Greece; our country of the month and have been taking part in lots of creative activities linked to this including: making marks in blue and white sensory trays, creating their own leaf god and goddess crowns, and designing their own Greek flag collages! We have also been focusing on traditional fairy tales learning about Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and The Gingerbread Man, along with many other stories. The children have been measuring the length of various beanstalks and counting how tall they are by comparing it to the number of cubes. This has really helped children to improve their knowledge and understanding of length and has also encouraged the children to begin using rulers, which we have been using throughout other creative activities. As baking has been another big part of our month this month, we have enjoyed creating our own Gingerbread Men biscuits, linking to some of the children’s fantastic story sequencing work they have been doing with Elizabeth on a Monday. During May the children were also lucky enough to participate in a traditional 'Shabbos' Friday night service, as one of the parents came in, and showed the Swans the traditional Jewish Friday Night customs, including how to light the candles, what they like to eat, and why those foods are important. The children have really enjoyed learning about another religion and its customs asking lots of interesting questions and even trying some yummy 'challah bread' and chicken noodle soup! We have also been placing more emphasis on Phonics this month, beginning to talk about starting school and encouraging more mark making in order to improve school readiness. We have been looking over all the sounds we have learnt and trying to blend and segment sounds, starting to read and write simple words. We have also continued this learning through lots of sensory trays with different materials such as: pasta, noodles, shaving foam, salt and even coloured sand, challenging the Swans to write their names and other shapes or letters independently, handling lots of different mark making tools. The children had such a fantastic time at Meanwood Valley Urban Farm last week, and so decided they wanted to continue learning about animals but now begin focusing on animals that live in other habitats, with our first focus being the jungle!
June Newsletter
Recipe of the Month
Butternut Squash & Sage Risotto
See our past selections on: 22streetlanenursery.co.uk/dish-of-the-month/
Ingredients • Lean Lamb Mince - 400g • Butternut Squash, peeled & cut into bite size chunks - 1kg • Olive oil - 3 tbsp • Bunch of sage, pick leaves, half roughly chopped, half left whole • Vegetable stock - 1½ litres • Butter - 50g • 1 onion finely chopped • Risotto rice (we use arborio) - 300g • 1 small glass of white wine • Parmesan or vegetarian alternative, finely grated - 50g
Method 1. Before you make the risotto, heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. 2. Toss the squash in 1 tbsp oil together with the chopped sage. Scatter into a shallow roasting tin and roast for 30 mins until it is brown and soft. 3. While the squash is roasting, prepare the risotto. Bring the stock to the boil and keep on a low simmer. 4. In a separate pan, melt half the butter over a medium heat. Stir in the onions and sweat gently for 8-10 mins until soft but not coloured, stirring occasionally. Stir the rice into the onions until completely coated in the butter, then stir continuously until the rice is shiny and the edges of the grain start to look transparent. 5. Pour in the wine and simmer until totally evaporated. Add the stock, a ladleful at a time and stirring the rice over a low heat for 25-30 mins, until the rice is cooked al dente (with a slightly firm, starchy bite in the middle). 6. The risotto should be creamy and slightly soupy. When you draw a wooden spoon through it, there should be a wake that holds for a few moments but not longer. 7. At the same time, gently fry the whole sage leaves in a little olive oil until crisp, then set aside on kitchen paper. When the squash is cooked, mash half of it to a rough purée and leave half whole. 8. When the risotto is just done, stir though the purée, then add the cheese and butter and leave to rest for a few mins. 9. Serve the risotto scattered with the whole chunks of squash and the crisp sage leaves.
June Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read
Car Park As you are aware, there are double yellow lines outside the nursery which have been put there for the safety of the children. Please can we ask that parents do not park on them, and also be mindful of parking over more than one space in the car park. As you can appreciate we have very limited parking, and so the car park can become very busy. High Temperatures & Fevers Please can we remind parents that children cannot attend nursery if they have a high temperature (over 38 ° C). If a child develops a temperature whilst at nursery, parents will be called to collect them, as supported by our policies and procedures. We can administer non- prescribed Calpol for a temperature, although we must first receive permission in writing. HMRC Additional Funding Code (3 & 4 year old - 30 hours) If you are eligible and in receipt of additional 3 & 4 year-old funding, look out for a prompt every three months from HMRC to reconfirm your details so that your eligibility can be re-assessed. If you do not do this, please note that we are unable to claim the funding on your behalf. Sun Cream and Sunhats With the warmer months ahead, please can you ensure that your child has appropriate clothing for warm weather including sun cream and a sun hat. We would recommend that you provide sun cream which is factor 50 and at least a 4-star UVA rating. If you could please label your child’s sun cream and hat with their name it would be helpful. Absence Please note that we are unable to swap days or offer an alternative day if your child is absent from nursery. We are now extremely busy and it is impossible for us to do this for all children. This is stated in our terms and conditions. Thank you for your cooperation.
June Newsletter ~ Housekeeping
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read Parents Suggestions
We continue to welcome all feedback from parents. If you would like to make a suggestion then please post this in our ‘Parents Suggestion Box’ which is based on reception. Alternatively, you can speak to a member of staff. Drop Off and Collection Can we kindly remind you that we open at 7:30am and cannot accept children into the nursery before this time. We close at 6:00pm and any parents that pick up after this time will be charged. Thank you for your cooperation. Labels in Clothing To avoid items being lost, please can you ensure that your child’s uniform is clearly labelled including their coats, hats, scarves and wellies. If your child brings gloves to nursery we strongly advise for these to be attached and threaded through their coat to avoid any gloves going missing . Contacting the Nursery Please can we kindly ask parents to try and only call the nursery rooms if necessary. It can be very difficult for the staff to keep coming to the phones when they are trying to look after the children and take appropriate breaks. Please note if ever we have a concern we would always call so please be assured that they are having a good day unless we call you. Thank you for your understanding. Wipes Please note that although we provide nappies as part of our offering, wipes are not included in this. It has been noted that lots of children are coming to nursery without nappy wipes. Can we kindly remind parents to ensure that there is always a supply available for your child. Your child’s key person will remind you when they are running low. Moving forwards, we will be charging £15.00 per month to any parents that fails to bring wipes.
June Newsletter
Upcoming Events Make A Diary Note
W/C Monday 3 rd June Eid Celebrations
W/C Monday 10th June Father’s Day Picnic, 3 - 4pm Monday 17th June Ducklings and Cygnets Parents Evening Friday 21st June Team Training Day - Nursery CLOSED Monday 24th June Chicklets, Goslings and Swans Parents Evening W/C Monday 24th June The Very Hungry Caterpillar Celebrations
Wednesday 26 th – All children to come dressed in green Friday 28 th – Birthday Party for ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’
CONTACT: 03330 43 22 22 info@22str eetlanenur ser y.co.uk 22 Str eet Lane, Roundhay, Leeds, LS8 2ET
ONLINE: www.22str eetlanenur ser y.co.uk
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