22 Street Lane Nursery - June 2019 Newsletter
June Newsletter
Chicklets The Chicklets have been very busy this month. The babies have enjoyed exploring the outdoors in the lovely sunshine, they have enjoyed exploring the messy play outdoors such as making marks in the sand and splashing in the water and bubbles. The babies have also shown an interest in the mud kitchen outdoors where they have been digging and transferring the mud into the containers. The Chicklets took part in the 'Peppa Pig Muddy Puddle' as we went for a trip to Roundhay Park. The babies enjoyed spotting the dogs in the park and we went and said hello to the swans/ducks. On our walk, we collected some flowers to add to messy play. When we returned to nursery, we did some painting with the pigs and enjoyed splashing in the scented water with the flowers. Music has been a strong interest this month with the babies, they are all enjoying taking part in Tiny Dancers and like to show off their dancing moves. The babies have started to tell the Chicklets Staff which songs they would like to listen to when taking part in the group music sessions. We will be starting to introduce baby sensory sessions to the babies in the upcoming weeks this will include activities such as smelling, tasting and mark-making with jelly finger-paints, watch bubbles float and pop, explore sounds and sights of DIY discovery bottles, splash and explore with coloured water, discover light and shadows on a DIY light box, watch the trees and feel the breeze outside and discover the amazing feeling of frozen jelly.
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