22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2019 Newsletter
March Newsletter
Country of the Month: WALES
Throughout March, we will be exploring the country Wales to tie in with St David’s day. We will be painting daffodils from observation and making our own leek and potato soup! We will be creating the Welsh flag using red, green and white, and learning how to say some simple words in the Welsh language - A big thank you to Kate Sayers for lending us her Welsh decorations! Did you know? Wales is believed to have more castles per square mile than anywhere else in the world.
Staff News: Employee of the Month goes to…
Congratulations to this month’s winners:
Amy Whiting
Rosie Agar
Sadie Bray
We really do value your opinion and need your continued help to recognise the amazing work that our staff undertake each day. If you would like to nominate a member of staff for Employee of the Month, please click on the link below and help pick next month’s winner: www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk/employee-of-the-month-vote/
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