22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2021 Newsletter
March Newsletter Chicklets Room News
The Chicklets have shown a real interest in animals this month, so we have explored this by setting up our farm provocation station for the children to engage with. They enjoyed feeling the sensory pouches with different materials in from the farm, such as hay and wool. The babies also enjoyed picking out the animals from the metal tub and learning about the different sounds they make. The Chicklets have also been going on walks to Roundhay Park in the buggies this month. They have stopped off at the lake to have a snack and say “hello” to the Swans! They really enjoyed spotting the dogs in the park and seeing the water fountain at the small lake. We have been busy celebrating Valentine’s Day this month. The babies all got very creative and enjoyed making a special card for their mummies and daddies. They all took part in a painting, gluing and sticking activity to make their love heart creations. We hope you all enjoyed seeing your cards. The Chicklets have also enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year this month. They had the chance to taste different Chinese foods specially made by our Chef Chris, which they all loved. They enjoyed taking part in different messy play activities such as rice play with chopsticks, red shaving foam and painting.
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