22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2021 Newsletter
March Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
We started the month off with making yummy fruit skewers out of watermelon, pineapple and orange. The Ducklings used their fine motor skills to cut shapes out of the fruit and place them on to the skewers, with a little help, which we then enjoyed for our snack. They were so yummy! One of the Ducklings favourite stories to read at the moment is 'The Gruffalo' so we set up a Gruffalo area following on the children's interests. The Ducklings loved getting involved in the brown water and exploring the leaves and twigs, they also enjoyed building a cave for the Gruffalo using natural resources such as twigs, leaves, pinecones and stones. We then all enjoyed reading the Gruffalo story together. Some of the Ducklings enjoyed a nice walk to Roundhay Park when the weather improved later in the month. We enjoyed having our snack and reading a story in the hut when we got there. We sang ‘5 Little Ducks’ as we walked around and enjoyed looking for the detail in our environment. We spotted ducks, dogs, birds, water, trees and bikes. We all also enjoyed celebrating Pancake Day! We enjoyed having pancakes for our snack with crème fraiche and fresh fruit. We then set up an activity in the afternoon and the Ducklings got involved in sensory play with flour, eggshells, egg cartons and metal pots.
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