22 Street Lane Nursery - May 2024 Newsletter
May Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
The Ducklings have had a great month at Nursery, we have been doing all sorts of fun activities and enjoying the start of the spring weather. We started the month by celebrating Easter. Lots of the Ducklings brought in Easter Bonnets, and it was great to see how much time and effort was put into the Bonnets. There were some fabulous ones! We also celebrated Eid. We used our creative skills to decorate stars and moon pictures and enjoyed glueing and sticking the different crafts onto the paper. Then, we put our baking skills to the test and made ‘Eid Orange Loaf.’ All the Ducklings got involved taking it in turns to mix all the ingredients together and some of us got to help crack the eggs, which was fun! This month the Ducklings have taken a massive interest in animals and lots of children have been visiting zoos/farms. Following on the children’s interest Chloe set up a zoo activity for the Ducklings to explore. The Ducklings used their mark-making skills to create marks in the flour and cornflakes. We spoke about the different animals and what noises they make and enjoyed ‘stomp stomping ‘ them into the messy tray. We are looking forward to having lots more fun during May!
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