22 Street Lane Nursery - May 2024 Newsletter

May Newsletter Goslings Room News

The Goslings have had a very busy few weeks recently; enjoying trips to the local shops to buy fresh fruit and making a yummy fruit salad together for a snack! With Egypt being the Country of the Month, we have also been enjoying making necklaces and dancing to Egyptian music. The Goslings have shown recent interest in various animal sounds. To encourage this interest, our setups have been animal-orientated with bugs, zoo and sea animals. Moving on, with Eid just gone by, the Goslings enjoyed learning all about and helped make pretty decorations using foil with moons and stars. We also enjoyed lots of sensory tuff trays with coloured rice and paint for different textures. They also enjoyed doing henna patterns using our fine paint brushes and did a great job. Later in the month, the Goslings made some Matzah to have for their snack to celebrate Passover. The Goslings have also recently begun to enjoy sharing pictures of their family and friends every week during our story times which is a great way to encourage their speech and language. As The Tiger who came to Tea was playing in the theatre in Leeds this month, with lots of children going to see the show, we have been enjoying lots of tiger-themed activities where the Goslings have been so excited, talking about the theatre during the activities, which was so great!


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