22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2019 Newsletter
November Newsletter
Swans Room News
The Swans have been very busy throughout October and have enjoyed learning about lots of exciting things. We started the month by learning all about Autumn, with the children collecting leaves from the garden and then printing them onto different coloured paper to create various effects. We also went on lots of lovely walks to Roundhay Park to collect conkers, pinecones and any autumnal things we could find! The Swans also enjoyed lots of other Autumn crafts and activities including: counting the conkers, making Autumn suncatchers, hedgehog paintings and exploring our Autumn capacity and weight tuff tray. We then began learning all about ‘The Human Body’ with the Swans looking at all their different body parts and organs. The children enjoyed looking at lots of non-fiction books linked to our bones, teeth, digestive system and lungs, with many children also bringing in books about the body which we shared at carpet time! We also used a height chart and tape measure, and all the children took turns to measure one another and place it on the height chart. We then found out who the tallest and shortest members of the Swans class are! The Swans were able to discuss what is in their body, why each body organ is important and what it does. They also showed understanding that everybody is unique and identified similarities and differences between themselves and others. Finally, as always, we have been participating in lots of phonics and maths activities, including threading, practicing writing names, matching objects to numeral cards and many more. The Swans have had a fantastic and very busy month and are looking forward to lots more fun next month!
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