22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2019 Newsletter
November Newsletter
Cygnets Room News
We would like to thank our Grandparents who came for our ‘Grandparent’s Tea Party’ it went very well, and we enjoyed meeting all our children’s Grandparents! The Cygnets have been very busy this month and have thoroughly enjoying learning many new exciting things. The Children have showed and increased interest in Autumn! We went on many Autumnal nature hunts, as we went on walks through the garden and also to Roundhay Park finding many Autumn items including conkers, pinecones, leaves and berries. The children enjoyed using their autumn findings in the creative area to make a range of crafts including self-portraits, hedgehogs, squirrels, pinecone and conker rolling with paint displays and many more. The Cygnets have also enjoyed looking at nocturnal animals this month, exploring many animals including hedgehogs and squirrels. We have also enjoyed spending much time outdoors as we try to spot as many squirrels as we can see in the garden (this was definitely a hit with the children)! The Children have been showing an increasing interest in literacy, so this month we have launched our ‘Adopt a Reading Pet’ project, each child can take in turns to adopt 1 of our 10 pets for a week as they promise to read to it each night. We hope all our families are enjoying adopting their pets.
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