22 Street Lane Nursery - September 2022 Newsletter

September Newsletter NEWS

Country of the Month: September 2022 - Israel In support of the Jewish New Year, we will be celebrating Israel as our Country of the Month! The children will have the opportunity to take part in lots of activities such as Israeli dancing, listening to Israeli music and creating their own instruments, as well as tasting different foods such as chicken soup, challah bread, falafel, Israeli salad and tabouleh! We will also be learning some Rosh Hashanah songs, as well as tasting apples with honey and honey cake! The Swans will also be exploring Jewish books covering the New Year and will have a go at writing in Hebrew!

Yorkshire Day Celebrations We kicked off August with ‘Yorkshire Day’ celebrations! The children created their own Yorkshire flags and explored yellow, blue and white coloured messy play sessions! The children also enjoyed Yorkshire puddings for snack followed by a cuppa!

Carnival Week Fun! The children had so much fun celebrating Carnival Week! They listened to carnival music and took part in carnival dancing and carnival-inspired messy play activities. Chris also cooked up a storm on the BBQ with some jerk chicken, rice and peas, yum!

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