22 Street Lane Nursery - September 2024 Newsletter
September Newsletter Swans Room Introduction The Daily Routine we follow in the Swans Room is as follows: 7.30-9.15: Children arrive, welcome and breakfast 9.15- 9:30: Tidy up time, Wake Up, Shake Up and Circle time 9.30-10.45: Free flow and focused activities 10.00-10.30: Free flow Snack
10.45-11.30: Outside Play 11.30-12.00: Lunch time 12.15-1.00: Outdoor Play 1.00-1.15: Story time / Carpet Time Activities 1.15-2.45: Focused activities / free flow and snack. 2.45-3.30: Outdoor play 3.30-4.00: Teatime 4.00-6.00: Feedback / focused activities and free flow play Drinks:
As the children in Swans self-serve we do not have water bottles in the room. Both inside the classroom and outdoors the children always have access to water and cups for them. However, staff make sure to remind children throughout the day to keep drinking and we make sure that each child has a drink during every meal. Group / Carpet Time: The Swans will have circle time every day at 9.15am-9:30am. During circle time we will cover the days of the week, as well as the month and the year. We will ask what the weather is like and ask the children to count their friends. We will also have a helper of the day to promote independence. During some carpet times, the children will also be invited to take part in phonics or maths based activities. Wellies and waterproof clothing: As the children will in turn be attending Forest school we please ask that you bring in a pair of wellies and waterproofs for your child. These can be kept on our welly rack, or you are welcome to take them home if you prefer. Jolly Phonics: In the Swans Room a slightly larger emphasis will be placed on phonics and we will begin ‘Phase 1’ (sounds) in September, before moving onto ‘Phase 2’ (Letter sounds) in the new year. We follow the ‘Jolly Phonics’ scheme and the children will be encouraged to learn each song which matches each sound of the alphabet. There will also be lots of activities set up daily linking to a letters of the alphabet and lots of mark making activities too! Extra-Curricular Activities: In the Swans Room we will have lots of extra-curricular activities starting from September. These are detailed on the class chart earlier on in this Newsletter. Please note that the day that Forest School takes place on will alternate as required throughout the year. The activities may change days throughout the year in order for each child to take part. A post for each of the activities will be sent out in due course explaining a little bit more about each of them. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the team. We look forward to welcoming the children into the Swans Room and getting to know you all!
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