22 Street Lane Nursery - Swans Graduation 2021


From the management team at 22 Street Lane Nursery, we would like to wish the Swans Class of 2021 the very best of luck for the future. We couldn’t be prouder of everyone ! Please enjoy these photos of the graduation ceremony and party, followed by a copy of the presentation with all the graduating Swans from this year’s class.



Abe has a strong interest in maths and is always asking us some very tricky maths questions!

Abe also enjoys bringing in lots of non-fiction books from home and sharing his knowledge with his peers!


Alex is very kind and caring in nature and also very engaged in all areas of learning.

Alex’s mark making skills are fantastic, and he is always enthusiastic about practising writing and drawing, especially when it relates to his family and friends!


Annabel loves telling all the children and staff what she has been up to with her little brother at home.

Annabel enjoys imaginative play, completing jigsaws and drawing her family!


Arjun has formed some lovely friendships in the Swans Room, and always enjoys playing with his peers.

A bubbly, outgoing and funny character, Arjun loves making others laugh. He also enjoys any science or maths-based activities!


Atticus is a natural comedian who always brightens up everyone’s day!

Atticus is full of personality and knowledge, and particularly enjoys sharing facts from his encyclopaedias with his friends. His favourite topic is volcanoes!


Ava has formed some lovely friendships and is very confident during play.

Ava enjoys creative activities at Nursery including: painting, playdough and drawing special people in her life. She also loves dressing up and role playing with friends!


Bea is very funny and enjoys making new friends.

Bea’s favourite things to do at Nursery are, reading a range of books, getting messy in creative activities and exploring the curiosity area!


Blake is very funny, bubbly and confident. Blake loves participating in woodwork sessions, playing in the construction area and making everyone laugh!

Recently, Blake also enjoyed attending forest school as he loves being outside!


Charlotte has grown in confidence so much and enjoys playing in a group with her friends.

Charlotte loves playing in the water tray, the home corner and challenging herself during phonics activities!


Dahla is a natural leader and has grown in confidence within the last year. Dahla loves getting involved in all activities, but enjoys mark making the most!

We can often find Dahla drawing with her friends!


Eesa is very friendly and sociable at Nursery. Eesa enjoys mark making and will often draw pictures of his family and friends as well as beautiful rainbows!

Eesa also enjoys exploring playdough and messy play activities!


Elliott is very kind and caring towards others. Elliott enjoys sharing photos on Tapestry of hat he has been up to at home and is now more confident to share these during circle times.

He also enjoys playing with the dinosaurs and playing hide and seek in the garden!


Ethan is an extremely kind and caring member of the Swans Room. Ethan is always looking after others and welcoming new children into Nursery. His favourite place to play is in the construction area, but he also enjoys maths and literacy-based activities!


Finley is very confident, energetic and independent. Finley enjoys bringing in stories from home to share at Nursery and is able to share his ideas and opinions confidently!

Finley loves playing chasing games outside alongside his peers!


Frankie has shown lots of progress since joining the Swans Room. Frankie enjoys playing with the small world resources in the construction area, alongside his peers.

He also enjoys playing on the bikes and chasing games outside!


George has made huge progress since joining Swans, especially with his English language skills!

George loves playing chasing games outside and will always choose to take part in messy play and sensory activities!


Georgina is very sociable and caring towards others. Georgina really enjoys accessing the role play area where she will dress up and act out stories. Georgina also likes exploring the Curiosity area, where she will re-enact familiar experiences from home!


Hedi is always so kind and empathetic to others. Hedi will greet everybody with a smiley face and a wave each morning. His favourite place to play is outside alongside peers, and in the creative area, where he loves drawing and designing pictures to take home for his family!


Henry has shown lots of progress since joining Swans, forming some great relationships with the staff and the children.

Henry enjoys completing puzzles, exploring the construction area and playing outside alongside peers!


Imogen is very social during play and enjoys acting out stories in the role play area using costumes and props.

Imogen loves to write and is always asking to practice writing her families and friend’s names!


James has made lots of progress since starting Preschool. James enjoys playing outside alongside his friends and will often make up his own games for everyone to play!

He has a brilliant imagination and enjoys role playing with the small world resources.


Lara is very caring and friendly. Always making sure others are okay and cheering them up if they are sad.

Lara also enjoys sharing books with her friends and role playing in the home corner!


Liam has a natural ability to take the lead during play, initiating activities for himself and his friends. Liam enjoys playing in the construction area and using the magnetic shapes to build some fantastic 3D structures which are always very impressive!


Luke is confident and bursting with personality! Luke enjoys challenging himself with maths and literacy activities and is always eager to try new things at Nursery. Luke has made lots of lovely friendships and enjoys playing games outside alongside peers!


Max has formed some lovely relationships with both the staff and children at Nursery. He is always initiating activities and thinking of new ways to extend his learning and challenge himself. Max loves the pedal bikes and playing chasing games outside!


Maxi has made so much progress since starting in Preschool! Maxi enjoys bringing in books from home to share with everyone and is always kind and caring to others.

Maxi loves being outside where he plays with the dinosaurs!


Milan has grown a lot of confidence during his time in Preschool. Milan enjoys reading stories, completing puzzles and taking part in creative activities.

He also loves role playing outside in the Big Garden and dancing during discos!


Molly is very creative and outgoing. Molly is extremely imaginative during play and will often use the baby dolls whilst playing ‘mummies and daddies’.

Molly enjoys playing musical bumps and always shows off her best dance moves!


Nate has made lots of lovely friends and is always very kind and caring towards them. Nate loves playing in the construction area where he will use the diggers and trucks to create his own stories. Nate also enjoys sharing photos with his friends from Tapestry, telling everyone about the exciting things he gets up to at home!


Nicky is very confident and independent at Nursery. Nicky loves reading stories in the cosy corner and challenging himself during maths activities.

He also enjoys physical activities, such as: building obstacle courses and having lots of bike races!


Noah is very caring and always kind to others.

Noah loves exploring the small world and construction areas and will often build homes for all the animals with his friends!


Oliver has formed some lovely friendships at Nursery and is always very excited to learn new things.

Oliver is very interested in Science based or practical activities, particularly learning about space and animals!


Oscar is a natural leader and very empathetic towards others. Oscar enjoys challenging himself with Literacy and Maths activities and is always very eager to learn new things.

Recently Oscar has been enjoying bringing books in from home to share with his friends!


Rian has shown huge progress since starting in Preschool and has formed some lovely relationships with staff and children! Rian loves learning all about Thomas the Tank Engine, completing puzzles and playing with bubbles in the Big Garden!


Sam is very kind and inquisitive, and always friendly to all of his peers.

Sam enjoys exploring the construction area and creating lots of large structures using the wooden blocks alongside friends! He also loves going to forest school and enjoys learning outside!


William has formed some lovely friendships in the Swans Room, and always enjoys playing with his peers. A bubbly, outgoing and funny character, William loves making others laugh. He also enjoys taking part in all creative activities and playing chasing games in the garden with his friends!

“Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together, make this world a beautiful garden.”

~ 22 Street Lane Nursery

“It takes a big heart to shape a little mind.”

~ 22 Street Lane Nursery

“A great teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart.”

~ 22 Street Lane Nursery

“Childhood friendships are the most beautiful memory that can never be replaced.”

~ 22 Street Lane Nursery

We have enjoyed getting to know the Swans’ bursting personalities over the years and we have every bit of confidence that they will all have an amazing future ahead. Although we are sad to see the Swans fly the nest, we are excited for all the wonderful adventures that lay ahead of them as they continue to flourish in their learning and embark upon their next journey - ‘Big School’. Well done to all of our Swans who today graduate from 22 Street Lane Nursery, we will miss you all! IT’S TIME FOR OUR SWANS TO SPREAD THEIRWINGS!

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