22 Street Lane Nursery - June 2019 Newsletter
June Newsletter
Goslings We started off May with a trip to Tropical World, all the children were fascinated by all the different viewing windows and the different types of animals we could see. As we walked by the different areas we talked about the animals and bugs. The Goslings were very excited to see the sea animals such as the big fish and the Stingray. We also enjoyed watching the Meerkats play together and spying the Crocodile which was cleverly hiding. We followed on the Goslings love for the sea animals by setting up different sea life activities in the small world, water trays or as messy play activities and painted different see creatures such as Octopuses and fish. We have made new home learning bags for the Goslings to enjoy learning at home. Each bag mirrors an area of play from the Goslings room and they all provide a variety of learning opportunities. The Three Little Pigs: Develops communication, language and literacy through storytelling. Let’s Get Cooking!: Developing early math skills through measuring and counting Let’s build a city: Encourages children’s fine motor skills and creativity through building. Let’s Make Marks: Encourages early writing skills through mark making. The bags contain a variety of resources alongside a booklet to help make learning at home easy and fun for both parents and children. If you would like to borrow a Home Learning bag, please speak to your child’s Key Person.
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