22 Street Lane Nursery - June 2019 Newsletter
June Newsletter
Cygnets The Cygnet's have been mainly focusing on Mini Beasts this month as we cared for our own caterpillars and set them free once they had grown into beautiful butterflies, this was a wonderful opportunity for the children to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. We have furthered this by exploring different types of Mini Beasts through outdoor play and taking part in a range of activities relating to Mini Beasts such a Mini Beast hunts in the garden. We incorporated many areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum such as maths for counting spots on the ladybirds, expressive arts and design when using different craft materials. Understanding of the world as we explored the Mini Beasts and their habitats and using natural materials such as shells and small wooden logs to create snails. As well as minibeasts, the Cygnets have enjoyed the role play area which was a Dentist. We looked at how important it is to keep our teeth clean and role play with the toothbrushes and giant teeth acting out the role Dentist and Patient. To further the children’s interests in animals, we have now transformed our role pay area into a Vets. We have spent a lot of time outdoors with the lovely weather, the Cygnets had fun exploring a sensory tray walk feeling the textures of flour, sand, foam and water on their feet!
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