22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2019 Newsletter
November Newsletter Chicklets Room News The Chicklets have been very busy this month.
We have recently introduced the baby sensory sessions to the Chicklets room this month. Each week we hold a sensory session on a different day for the children. We have had sensory light sessions which the babies have really enjoyed. We also did a large-scale beach/under the sea themed messy play session to link into the baby’s interests from home. The Chicklets held a ‘Grandparent’s Tea Party’ this month. The babies enjoyed showing their Grandparents around the room, showing where they sleep and what they like to play with during the day. We have been on lots of walks to Roundhay Park this month. The babies have enjoyed going in the double buggies to the park and spotting the different animals in the park. We went to visit the swans where we stopped and had some snacks! This month, we have been celebrating our Country of the Month 'India' and the festival 'Diwali'. We set up different messy play activities such as shredded paper, feathers, shaving foam and painting in the colours of the Indian flag. The Chicklets all had the chance to paint their own Diyas which they got to take home with them!
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