22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2019 Newsletter
November Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
The Ducklings have been taking part in Diwali celebrations this week and as it is the festival of light we have been joining in with light sensory sessions as well as speaking about lots of different colours. The sensory activities allow children to refine their thresholds for different sensory information helping their brain to create stronger connections to process and respond to sensory information. The Ducklings have also been busy making their own salt dough Diwali candlelight holders, they used their fine motor skills to roll out the ingredients and shape it into a circle, we then watched as our Diya’s baked in the oven! Once they had been baked in the oven the Ducklings used their mark-making skills to creatively paint their own Diyas! Recently over the past few weeks the ducklings have been collecting leaves and Autumn items to go in our Autumn sensory box! Some of the children went on a walk to Roundhay park and we collected acorns, conkers, berries and leaves! We explored the textures and colours of these items and shared them with our friends. The other ducklings explored the nursery gardens also looking and collecting Autumn items for our box! This month the Ducklings also had a visit from their Grandparents! They got involved in so many fun activities including; tea bag sensory play looking at the different colours the tea bag made once it reached water and also using our sense of smell to smell the different flavoured tea!
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