22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2019 Newsletter
November Newsletter
Goslings Room News
This month the Goslings have become very interested in bugs and insects! This began when we were playing outside in the garden and some of the children found a spider! The children sat and observed the spider and helped us come up with a new song about spiders. We then counted how many legs the spider had and went inside to make our very own spiders by gluing and sticking some paper legs on to different sized circles. To support this interest, we then set up a bug hunt in the secret garden! We did this by hiding some toy bugs amongst the mud and leaves. We then gave each of the children a magnifying glass to help them with their hunt. Once we had finished looking for bugs, we came back to the Goslings garden and were lucky enough to find a real ladybird! The Goslings were very helpful and went to collect some leaves for the ladybird so that he had somewhere to sleep. The Goslings then had the opportunity to make their very own ladybirds! They did this by using potatoes, sticks and paint! The children picked up the potato from red paint and then printed it on to some paper. They then dipped some sticks in black paint to make its spots. Following on from this we have learnt lots of new songs about bugs, such as ‘hey, ladybug’, ‘bugs n roll’ and ‘firefly lullaby’ where the children wave to the fireflies in the sky. To extend on this further we plan to take to the Goslings on an Autumn walk to Roundhay park to look for more bugs.
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