22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2024 Newsletter

November Newsletter

Ducklings Room News

What a busy October the Ducklings Room has had! We started off our month by celebrating Rosh Hashanah, the Ducklings made their very own vegan apple and cinnamon loaf! The children enhanced their fine motor skills by taking turns to stir all the ingredients together in a bowl and tipping the mixture into a baking tray, we put it into the oven to bake and tried some for ourselves! Throughout the month, the Ducklings have been embracing the change in season by exploring our Autumn activities. We got stuck into our leaf print playdough table, as the children independently explored the activity by using the rolling pins to roll out the playdough and stick the leaves down to the pieces they created. The Ducklings loved making their own hot chocolate recipe, just in time for the cold weather! They used the spoons to mix and added some mini cotton wool (marshmallows) on top for the perfect touch! During October, it was World Mental Health Day, so we based activities around the colour yellow and wore yellow clothes to spread awareness. We had an ‘all things yellow’ tray where we sang ‘Five Little Ducks’ in small groups for that quality time together. We also had a relaxing session of calm music and mindful moments together. Our Halloween stay and plays were amazing, thank you so much to all the parents who attended them. The Ducklings had their own pumpkin patch to explore! They used the scoopers to transfer the pumpkin seeds across the tray and to share with their mummies and daddies.


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